Everything You Need to Know About Life Insurance: How It Works and How to Buy a Policy?

Are you considering buying a life insurance policy to secure your family’s future? Life insurance is a crucial component of financial planning that ensures that your family is financially protected and can maintain their standard of living even when you are not around to support them.

This article will help you understand life insurance and how it works and guide you through the process of purchasing the best policy for your needs.

Understanding Life Insurance

Life insurance is a contractual agreement between you and an insurance company, designed to provide financial protection for your loved ones. In exchange for regular premium payments, the insurer commits to paying a lump sum, known as the death benefit, to your beneficiaries upon your unexpected passing.

This lump sum can cover expenses like living costs, debts, and children’s education, providing financial stability to your dependents.

How Does a Life Insurance Policy Work?

A life insurance policy requires regular premium payments to an insurance company, ensuring continuous coverage. The insurer will pay a lump sum to the beneficiaries If the insured person passes away during the coverage period. Additionally, some policies provide maturity benefits if the term is outlived.

Who Needs Life Insurance?

Life insurance is crucial for anyone responsible for the financial well-being of their dependents in unforeseen circumstances. This includes:

  1. Parents: Parents need life insurance to meet their children’s financial needs. These needs include costs related to education, healthcare, and daily living expenses if they are no longer there to provide for them.
  2. Spouses: Spouses, especially those who are non-working or earning less, need life insurance to maintain their standard of living. It also helps to cover household expenses in the absence of the primary breadwinner.
  3. Homeowners: Homeowners benefit from life insurance to cover mortgage payments. This prevents the loss of the family home and ensures that dependents are not burdened with loan repayments during a difficult time.
  4. Business Owners: Business owners require life insurance to protect their business interests and cover debts. This ensures the business can continue operations or settle obligations without financial strain if something happens to the owner.

How Much Life Insurance Cover Do You Need?

Determining the right amount of life insurance coverage involves assessing your financial situation and future needs. Consider the following factors:

  • Current Income: Aim for coverage 10-15 times your annual income. This helps ensure your family can maintain their standard of living.
  • Debt: Ensure the cover can pay off all your debts, including mortgages, car loans, and personal loans.
  • Future Expenses: Consider children’s education, marriage, and other long-term expenses.

Types of Life Insurance in India

Various life insurance policies are available in India, each catering to different needs and financial goals. Here are the main types:

1. Term insurance

Term insurance is a pure protection plan that offers coverage for a specified term, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. If the policyholder passes away during this period, the insurer pays a lump sum to the beneficiaries. It provides a high sum assured at low premiums but does not offer any maturity benefits if you outlive the term. This type of insurance is ideal for individuals seeking maximum coverage at an affordable cost.

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2. Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides coverage for the insured’s entire lifetime, typically up to 100 years. This policy includes a death benefit as well as a maturity benefit if the policyholder reaches the policy’s maturity age. Whole life policies also accumulate cash value over time, which can be borrowed against or withdrawn. These policies ensure lifelong protection and savings.

3. Endowment plans

Endowment plans combine insurance with savings. They offer a lump sum payment upon maturity or death, whichever occurs first. Endowment plans are suitable for individuals looking for both protection and a disciplined savings plan. They provide a guaranteed sum assured and potential bonuses, making them an attractive option for long-term financial goals.

4. Money-back policy

Money back policies provide periodic returns during the policy term, along with the sum assured at maturity. This type of policy is ideal for those who need regular payouts to meet short-term financial goals. The periodic payouts help cover various expenses while still ensuring a lump sum is received at the end of the policy term.

5. Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

ULIPs combine insurance with investment. The premiums paid are partly used for insurance coverage and partly invested in various market-linked instruments like equity and debt funds. The returns depend on the performance of the chosen investment funds. ULIPs offer the flexibility to switch between funds based on market conditions and individual risk appetite, making them suitable for investors looking for both protection and growth potential.

6. Child plans

Child plans are specifically designed to secure a child’s future financial needs, such as education and marriage. They provide a lump sum payout at specified milestones or upon the death of the parent. These plans ensure that a child’s financial needs are met even in the absence of the parent, offering peace of mind to the policyholder.

7. Retirement plans

Retirement plans provide financial security post-retirement. They offer regular income during retirement years, helping you maintain your standard of living even after you stop earning. These plans can be deferred, where you accumulate a corpus over time, or immediate, where you start receiving a pension immediately after retirement.

What Affects Your Life Insurance Premiums and Costs?

The cost of life insurance premiums is determined by several factors, which include:

  1. Age: Younger individuals pay lower premiums as they are considered lower risk.
  2. Health: Pre-existing conditions and lifestyle choices, such as smoking, can increase premiums.
  3. Lifestyle: High-risk activities or occupations can lead to higher premiums.
  4. Policy Term: Longer terms generally mean higher premiums.
  5. Coverage Amount: A higher sum assured results in higher premiums.
  6. Riders and Add-ons: Additional benefits like critical illness coverage or accidental death benefits can increase the cost.

How to Buy the Best Life Insurance for Yourself – A guide

Buying the right life insurance policy requires a detailed process to ensure it meets your specific needs; here’s a step-by-step guide to assist you:

  1. Research and Compare
    Use online tools to compare different policies. Look for coverage options, premium costs, benefits, and exclusions to make an informed choice.
  2. Determine Your Needs
    Assess your financial situation and coverage needs. Consider dependents, financial obligations, and future goals.
  3. Choose a Reputable Insurer
    Select an insurer with a good track record and high claim settlement ratio.
  4. Read the Fine Print
    Understand the policy terms, conditions, and exclusions. Ensure you are aware of what is covered and what is not.
  5. Apply and Undergo Medical Tests
    Fill out the application accurately and undergo any required medical tests to finalise your policy.

Benefits of life insurance

Life insurance provides a range of advantages, some of which include:

  1. Financial Security: Ensures your family’s financial stability in your absence.
  2. Tax Benefits: Premiums paid are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
  3. Loan Facility: Policies can be used as collateral for loans.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing your loved ones are protected provides peace of mind.


Life insurance is a vital part of financial planning, offering protection and peace of mind for your loved ones. By understanding how it works, assessing your needs, and choosing the right policy, you can ensure comprehensive coverage for your family’s future.

Take the time to research, compare, and select a policy that aligns with your financial goals and provides the best protection.

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Author: Sanjib SahaSanjib is a finance based writer who has a deep knowledge in stock market, cryptocurrency and mutual funds. He is also a co-founder of Financesrule.com

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