Scam Cryptos Are Still Booming: How to Spot Fake What’s the Internet Financial System (IFS)?

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, the constant influx of new digital coins and tokens remains relentless. Even after the tumultuous year cryptocurrencies endured in 2018, initial coin offerings (ICOs) continue to demonstrate their lasting allure.
However, the proliferation of these opportunities has not only attracted legitimate investors but also cunning scammers. This article delves into the concerning world of fraudulent cryptocurrencies and provides essential guidance on how to discern authentic projects from the deceptive ones within the realm of the Internet Financial System (IFS).

Scam Cryptos Are Still Booming

In a financial ecosystem marked by rapid development and a complex array of terminologies, even seasoned investors may find themselves vulnerable to these deceptive schemes. While no guarantees exist in the cryptocurrency world, the strategies outlined below offer valuable insights to help you avoid becoming ensnared in a crypto scam.

Understanding the Team

Arguably the most critical determinant of success for any ICO or cryptocurrency is the group of developers and administrators steering the project. In the cryptocurrency realm, well-known figures, such as Ethereum’s creator, Vitalik Buterin, wield significant influence, capable of either propelling or sinking new ventures simply by associating themselves with a project. Consequently, it has become increasingly common for unscrupulous actors to fabricate founders and their backgrounds for deceptive purposes.

The most effective defense against such fraudulent tactics is to conduct thorough research on the individual team members involved in a project before committing your investment. Red flags should be raised if you encounter a notable absence of information about a specific developer or founder on platforms like LinkedIn or other social media channels. Even when profiles are present, scrutinize whether their level of engagement aligns with the size of their following and the number of likes they accumulate, as individuals who seldom interact with their audience yet amass a large following may not be genuine.

Examine the Token Sale

Every ICO relies on a token or currency system to facilitate its crowdfunding process. Reputable companies and ventures prioritize transparency by making the system and token sale progress easily accessible to potential investors. During an ongoing ICO, keep a close eye on the token sale figures and, for a more comprehensive understanding, monitor its progression over time.
If a company makes it challenging for individuals to track the progress of their ICO, consider this a significant warning sign.

Beware of fraudulent ICOs that obscure their token sale progress through individual contribution addresses, preventing potential investors from gaining insight into the amount raised and the remaining sale duration. In some instances, this tactic may be employed to create a false sense of urgency among potential investors, even in the absence of concrete evidence of a successful sale.

Dive into the Whitepaper

In the realm of cryptocurrencies and ICOs, the whitepaper serves as the cornerstone document for any project. This comprehensive document should outline the project’s background, objectives, strategy, concerns, and the roadmap for its implementation within the blockchain space. Whitepapers often unveil critical insights: a company sporting an elaborate website may still lack a fundamentally robust concept, while an enterprise with a website riddled with spelling errors might present a whitepaper revealing a well-structured plan and a sound implementation strategy.

When assessing a whitepaper, the first and foremost step is to engage in a thorough and meticulous examination. Look for supplementary resources within the whitepaper, such as financial models, legal considerations, SWOT analysis, and a detailed implementation timeline.An ideal whitepaper should answer all the inquiries that potential investors might harbor regarding what distinguishes this particular project from its competitors, how it intends to attain success, and the specific measures it will undertake to achieve its objectives.

Evaluate the Project’s Feasibility

It may appear self-evident, but the success of ICOs and cryptocurrencies hinges on their capacity to endure in a competitive landscape. Numerous projects, even those that initially garnered significant attention, have faltered as initial enthusiasm waned. Your best prospects for a successful investment rest on a company’s ability to establish and execute attainable, sustainable objectives. While having a compelling concept is essential, it’s equally crucial for the company to translate this concept into both short and long-term implementation.

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In tandem with the question of feasibility lies the issue of transparency. Companies with robust concepts and models tend to prioritize transparency in their interactions with the wider community. Seek out enterprises committed to keeping potential investors informed through regular, detailed progress reports on their website or social media platforms. Additionally, consider whether a company has a clear timeline detailing the developmental milestones achieved thus far.

Exercise Prudent Judgment

Even the most prosperous ICOs and cryptocurrencies often face criticism for their dependence on speculative investment. The tantalizing prospect of swift wealth accumulation in a sizzling new project attracts both experienced investors and newcomers to venture into precarious domains. As you explore fresh investment prospects in the realm of ICOs and cryptocurrencies, maintain a vigilant stance. Recognize that projects that sound too good to be true are often precisely that. Dedicate ample time to scrutinizing every detail, and bear in mind that the omission of essential information might be a deliberate attempt to conceal an unsound model or concept.

Seek external sources to validate a project’s legitimacy before making any investment, and don’t hesitate to pose inquiries for which you cannot readily locate answers. While the cryptocurrency and ICO arenas offer substantial opportunities for well-prepared investors capable of making informed investment decisions, they also harbor potential pitfalls that can result in significant financial losses due to scams, fraudulent activities, or even legitimate businesses that are inadequately structured and unlikely to thrive.

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Is cryptocurrency a safer option compared to physical currency?

Using cryptocurrency for payments has fewer legal safeguards in place.Traditional debit and credit card payments come with specific security benefits that cryptocurrency lacks. For instance, there are instances where you might not be held responsible for unauthorized transactions made in your name. However, this level of protection typically does not extend to cryptocurrency transactions.

Can You Fall Victim to a Scam if Someone Sends You Cryptocurrency?

Absolutely. It’s essential to exercise caution when receiving cryptocurrency transactions from unfamiliar sources. Crypto can only be taken from you if you unwittingly give it away through a scam, such as sharing your private keys or if someone manages to hack your digital wallet to steal those keys.

How can I minimize the risk of losing money while investing in cryptocurrency?

To reduce the risk in cryptocurrency investments, it’s crucial to conduct proper research. Check project details on platforms like Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, and Messari. Avoid projects with very low market capitalization. Be cautious of fake websites, and never share your login credentials over the phone. Implement two-factor authentication for added security. Consider using hardware wallets for better asset protection. It’s a good starting point to invest in coins with a market capitalization exceeding $100 million while performing basic due diligence checks.

What Are Common Cryptocurrency Scams?

Common cryptocurrency scams encompass rug pulls, promises of romance, phishing attempts, and fraudulent investment schemes.

How Can You Safeguard Yourself Against Crypto Scams?

The most effective approach involves staying informed about the methods scammers employ and remaining vigilant. Familiarize yourself with the red flags of scams and store your keys in offline, cold storage wallets. These wallets, which are not connected to the internet, shield your cryptocurrency from unauthorized access, cyberattacks, and other vulnerabilities associated with internet-connected systems.


In the thriving yet treacherous world of cryptocurrencies and the Internet Financial System (IFS), the escalating prevalence of scams demands heightened vigilance from investors. To navigate this challenging terrain, thorough scrutiny of the project team, meticulous examination of the whitepaper, and diligent monitoring of the token sale process are essential. Exercising caution and scepticism while evaluating investment opportunities can help investors mitigate the risks associated with fraudulent ventures. By staying informed and maintaining a critical approach, investors can make more informed and secure decisions in the realm of the IFS.

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Author: Vedanti KiranVedanti is a female finance writer, currently pursuing her studies at Hansraj College. She has a passion for writing and travelling, and her articles on the stock market, finance, investment, and cryptocurrency are well-researched and informative. With her unique perspective on the world of finance, Vedanti is a go-to source for those seeking insights into the world of finance.

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