Why You Should Take Advantage of Google Ads

It’s no surprise that Google is the absolute king of marketing these days, and most businesses understand the fact that they need to invest some time and money into it, in order to be successful. If that describes you, then there’s really no need for you to keep reading. Take a break, go grab a donut and treat yourself because you’ve already got it made. If this doesn’t describe you, then you’re in the right place to understand why things need to change.

Getting started with Google adwords, you may think that you can save cash by running campaigns in-house, but the truth is a successful Google adwords campaign is much more complicated than you might imagine. It’s tempting to spend your precious budget where you think you might see more results or diversify your spending to include many different marketing techniques, and you wouldn’t be totally wrong, but allocating a sizeable chunk of your budget to Google Ads is, essentially, the biggest marketing advantage you can give yourself. This is because Google is a much more sophisticated, targeted kind of marketing, which increases your chance of the right clicks making it to your business website. 

Why it’s worth it

If you’ve tried and failed with them before, it’s possible they were not correctly executed, but don’t let that put you off. Adwords management services are where you take your business to the next level. Considering that a quarter of people never make it past the first page of Google search, so that is where you need to be. A skilled adwords consultant will know how to optimize your website to get you on the first page of Google search, which will in turn create more website traffic and improve your website’s search optimization. Basically, a perfect circle.

Google Ads are also highly flexible, meaning that if the campaign is not working properly, it can easily be tweaked and enhanced. Title and keywords changes, descriptions and optimizing can immediately boost clicks, and an expert Google AdWords consultant has all the knowledge and expertise to make that happen, that’s why it’s worth spending that extra money on their services. 

Choosing the right one

When hunting for the perfect adwords management services, you’ll find the options are seemingly endless, and it can be tricky and overwhelming to find the right one. Here’s how to start:

  • Ask yourself if you are happy to communicate online or would like a face-to-face meeting, this will determine if you should shop local or not.
  • Think about whether you want to work with a large firm with a long record of success and big clients, or a smaller firm with growing potential and where you may get a more personalized service?
  • Is company culture important to you, and what kind of people are you interested in building a relationship with? You are going to be working together for an extended period, so this does matter.
  • Are you looking for a very hands-on consultant, or someone who gives you more space?

These are some basic points to consider, but the most important would be to do your research. Use our friend Google to find out how they rank in relevant searches – if their clients appear near the top of relevant keywords searches, that’s a great sign. Make sure they are an official Google partner and have the technical proficiency to achieve the results you’re after. Read certified reviews, and make sure you feel comfortable with how the company operates. 

Make your decision

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Once you’ve narrowed it down to an agency you like, put them to the test. Agree to a trial period of a few months or a short-term contract to get a feel for how they operate and whether they can actually get you results. Setting out some short-term goals that need to be met is a great way to see they are able to keep up with KPIs, and what it’s like working with them under time constraints.

Looking at impressions, clicks and ultimately sales is a great way to gauge how to campaign is going. Don’t be wowed by number of clicks alone, you want to make sure those are qualified leads that actually turn into sales. Depending on your product or service, clicks may need more time to become sales, but be realistic about your expectations, and implement A/B testing to decide what works best.

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